Unionized Before Flight

Welcome to Norwegian Pilot Union NPU

NPU is the recognized union for Norwegian Short Haul pilots in Norway and Sweden. NPU is a member of Parat who is offering legal counselling and support for our members and the NPU board. NPU is also founding member of Norwegian Pilot Group, NPG, a group of Pilot Unions representing Norwegian Pilots within the Norwegian Group and Pilotforbundet, a group of pilot unions within Parat organizing over 1000 pilots in Norway. Parat is a member of ETF/ITF.

To join NPU as a member, please sign up on the following link and follow the on screen instructions: Become member

Collective Bargaining

NPU is committed to negotiate the best possible terms and conditions for its members through collective bargaining.

Legal support

All our members are guaranteed professional legal advice and support, should they need it.

Equal career opportunities

Our aim is also to safeguard the working environment, and the professional and social interests of our members and to strive for equal career opportunities for all.

Contact Norwegian Pilot Union

To contact us please use the contact form here or send us an email.

Apply for membership

To become a member of the Norwegian Pilot Union fill out the online form at our umbrella organisation Parat homepage.

Member Area

Already a member? Login to get access to the member area.